Apariencia física
El Mito de los Gigantes
Con una piel rojiza-oscura, los Aonikenk eran personas de gran estatura (promedio en hombres era 1.75 m y en las mujeres 1.70 m). Los hombres tenían cuerpos desarrollados y espaldas anchas. Las mujeres eran proporcionadas en sus formas, aunque algo más gruesas de cuerpo.
A pesar de lo anterior, nunca fueron gigantes como lo describían relatos de los primeros europeos que tuvieron contacto con ellos. Esta interpretación probablemente se debió a un afán de exageración narrativa y a la diferencia notable con la estatura media de los españoles.
Physical appearance
The Myth of the Giants.
With a reddish-dark skin, the Aonikenk were people of great stature (average in men was 1.75 m and in women 1.70 m). The men had well-developed bodies and broad backs. The women were proportionate in their shapes, although somewhat thicker in body.
Despite the above, they were never giants as described by accounts of the first Europeans who had contact with them. This interpretation was probably due to a desire for narrative exaggeration and to the notable difference with the average height of the Spaniards.